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Found 6 results

  1. Hiya everyone! I've decided to learn ASL in order to expand the access I have to the worldwide Deaf/hard-of-hearing community. I'm a 21-year-old male living in the UK and have studied BSL for the last three years while also using it in the care sector supporting deaf/blind clients. I am very aware of how the two deaf cultures differ across the Atlantic and want to form first-hand connections with anyone fluent in/learning ASL to broaden my knowledge on any topic relating the signing community in America. Feel free to write any time of the day! I look forward to talking!
  2. Hello! My name is Mikaela and I am a freshman in college. I have been signing for 4 year now and have a passion for the culture and language. As I am in college now studying social work, I am not able/don't have the time to study ASL also. I really want to keep my asl and use it for my career but I have no one I can sing with. Thats why I am here! Im looking for people to have a ASL connection with and to basically only sign to each other. Id love to get two know you, become friends, and grow our passion our ASL together! P.S. I am also a ASL tutor so if you need help, I am here
  3. Hi all, I would like to practice asl more, but unfortunately I don’t have any friends that sign or are learning to sign. I know a lot of random vocabulary but I struggle with conversations because anything we did in class was scripted (because that’s helpful for the real world -_-). Overall, I’d say I’m probably intermediate. Anyone is welcome to add me on Glide, my username is itskait
  4. I am trying to figure out how to practice ASL on this forum. I have never seen anyone in the chat rooms, so I am trying to schedule something as an open invitation for practice.
  5. Hi everyone! I'm a new member. I've checked out this place, and it's awesome! I tried to upload a picture but, there to big lol. I'll keep trying. Anyway, I know some ASL. Pretty vague huh, my apologies. Long story short, there was a accident I lost me long term memory, and my short term is iffy. There is a but in there I promise lol. I use to know ASL. For some reason I am connecting with signing. I mean I understand it for the most part. I want to continue at it. I'm hard of hearing and I have Minerese Disease. I'm open to making some friends and chatting. Please know I'm a very patient person, hope you are. Thanks for reading and hope to get some replies. EM 😊
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