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Victory Jimah

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  1. My intrest In BSL started because I was in love with watching mr tumble (a British kids show where they do sign language) 😂. I was saddened when I realised that it wasn’t something taught in school. I was fuelled to learn when I would see deaf people coming into my workplace and people acting so strangely around them because they were unable to communicate with them. It was further fulled when I was diagnosed with an EVA which meant I could also be loosing my hearing in the coming years.
  2. Hey everyone. My name is Victory. I have always wanted to learn sign language since I was little and used to watch mr tumble 😂. Since then I have been wondering why sign language wasn’t a requirement in school. Last year I was diagnosed with an EVA which is Often accompanied by hearing loss. This has given me an even bigger push to learn sign language.
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