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Posts posted by Courteney

  1. For myself and my team we are all hearing, it is taken for granted to such an extent. When I started working in my building we had a deaf visitor come in and I was unable to converse with her which made me feel unable to do my job in helping her, I didn't know how to ask simple things and did not want to offend her, she very kindly wrote down what she needed to ask me but it shouldn't have to be that way. We want to be able to be inclusive in our building to the best of our abilities and so this course has been a wonderful way to be more inclusive of our deaf community.

  2. Hello everyone 👋 my name is Courteney and I work in London. Me and my team on reception are doing the introductory sign language course to be more inclusive of our deaf visitors. But I've got to say Courteney is an awfully long name to fingerspell, nickname suggestions anyone?!

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