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Found 5 results

  1. Hi everyone! So I have been learning sign language while being furloughed from work. I work as an early years practitioner in a private nursery. Always been interested in learning sign language and have taken this time to do it! Would love to practice with someone!
  2. Hello, I'm learning BSL because I'm working with some Deaf children teaching them music. We have a BSL interpreter helping at the moment but she's not always to make the sessions. Although I feel I have a good relationship with the children and can communicate with them to some extent, I think it will be much better if I can sign to them personally.
  3. For my college project I am trying to invlove the BsL community more within the musical industry. Part of my project is market research so please could you guys do my survey I would be very grateful https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8NTPMF5 Thank you x
  4. For my college project I am trying to invlove the BsL community more within the musical industry. Part of my project is market research so please could you guys do my survey I would be very grateful https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8NTPMF5 Thank you x
  5. Hi everyone my little boy is six years old has Down syndrome and Autism spectrum Condition. His hearing is fine but his speech is severely delayed and is only just beginning to emerge - parts of words and sounds but they're mainly copied. He attends a school which teaches BSL throughout so although he started on Makaton he has been learning BSL for the last three years. His signing is once again just copying others however when his one to one signs to him he clearly has a good understanding of the signs. We have been trying to learn BSL through books etc but I'm looking for a suitable course in the Liverpool area. The night school courses aren't suitable they seem to be aimed at adults whereas I need infant type subject matter also they are £800 basic level. Any ideas? Thanks x
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