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Found 5 results

  1. Ready to move to Level 2? Join our Level 2 course starting 12th September 2024, 1pm to 4pm in Central London, near Farringdon station. For more information, visit our website or get in touch with us. www.remark.uk.com/bsl-courses/bsl-level-2-12th-sept-2024 FLEXIBLE MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN AVAILABLE!
  2. Hi. I am very new to BSL and have wanted to learn my whole adult life. Iā€™m 28 and live in Devizes, Wiltshire. I currently have an online course on the go and several apps. Iv even followed many YouTube videos. If I was to do a better course it seems to cost a lot and i have no idea who to use so any opinions welcome. But if anyone is interested in Skyping or FaceTiming as regularly as possible or lives close enough to hang out and help me further my BSL that would be amazing! Thank you Henry
  3. Hi I am currently attending college in England but I'm taking an online course in basic BSL and I'm looking for someone to practice with, I'm a 17 year old girl looking for another girl to practice with just for my comfort because I'm an awkward little bean! šŸ˜… Afternoons and evenings are preferable or weekends to Skype with! Thanks -Ala šŸ˜Š
  4. Hi everyone! I am fairly new to learning BSL, I have been taking evening classes for about 4 months now. I can fingerspell, talk about directions, describe peoples looks and clothes, and talk about my family (as well as other bits which I have probably forgotten!) I am in no way super confident when talking about these topics, but would love to have someone to practice with and just generally have a fun conversation and make some new BSL friends. I would love to have a video chat with either someone learning BSL or deaf or HOH. Look forward to hearing back from you guys and joining the community!
  5. Hi there, I am new to BSL. I've just learnt how to do the alphabet and some numbers. I am a keen learner and would like someone who is more advanced to support me in learning BSL please? I'd be very grateful. Thank you for reading. Sully
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