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We need Volunteer Befrienders proficient in BSL!


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My name is Kevin and I work for BEfriend, a registered charity established in 1994, providing one-to-one voluntary befriending to people who are socially isolated in Ealing and Hounslow.

Clients are matched with volunteers who visit for 1-2 hours each week, providing a lifeline to people living alone who might go for days at a time not seeing a single person.

We currently have clients on our waiting list who need volunteers proficient in British Sign Language.

Volunteering with BEfriend not only enriches the lives of those who are isolated, but also offers immense personal rewards. As a volunteer, you’ll befriend inspirational people with fascinating stories, develop new skills and be part of a supportive team that values compassion and connection.

If you can volunteer, please visit https://befriend.london/volunteer

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Thank you Kevin!

As the coordinator for this project in Hounslow, I often receieve referrals for clients who are deaf who we are unfortanately not equipped to support without BSL volunteers. Happy to answer any questions related to our service and how to become a volunteer!

Vince, lead befriending coordinator for Hounslow 

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Absolutely, Kevin. People affected by sensory impairments are often limted in the ways they can access their community, meaning one-to-one befriending can act as a real life-line for those individuals. BSL volunteers would allow us to support many more people in the community.

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