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Posts posted by NicM

  1. Hi got a two part-er for anyone that can help.

    I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this question, I'm just after some clarification.. 

    First part:

    If someone were to come up to me and sign "what is your name." Am I correct in thinking that the signs they would use would be (name your what?) 

    ... So my response would be....

    My name is (name) so I'd sign (name me what? (name)) I'm sure I'm correct so far.. 

    What I'm asking is; could my response just be the sign for "my name" so I'd sign (name my (name)) and leave out the question? 

    If so is this true when using where, when, who, what and why? 

    Second part: 

    If I were to be asking the question or any question for that matter.. Do I say the words for the signs I'm doing? So would I say "name you what" as I'm making the signs or do I still say it as "what is your name" even though the structer of the signs differ? 

    Thanks for any help. 


  2. My first year of secondary school I was in a group that was learning BSL. unfortunately at a kid I was easily distracted by shiny objects and flaked out.

    I amazed myself by being able to retain the aphaphet all this Time, so I always wanted to get into it and learn properly. 

    And to be frank to think more people should learn BSL anyway. 

  3. Slautations, 

    As a lot of us have right now is nothing but an abundance of free time, I figure I'd use my time wisely and learn a new skill. I have always wanted to learn sign language as I already knew the alphabet from a kid. Thought I'd expand on somthing I already had started. 

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