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Charlie-Thistle Cameron

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Posts posted by Charlie-Thistle Cameron

  1. I'm autistic and situationally nonverbal, so thought BSL would be really helpful for when I lose my words. I also have C-PTSD and it'll help notify people when I'm stuck in a flashback and can't talk. I also want to be able to communicate properly with D/deaf people when we meet. I'm really enjoying learning so far, it feels really natural and easy to my brain.

  2. Hi all! I'm Charlie-Thistle, but Thistle or Charlie is fine.

    I'm autistic and situationally verbal, so thought BSL would be a useful tool to have when I lose my words. As soon as I started learning it just felt really natural and much more comfortable than speech, so I may end up using sign a lot more than I'd initially thought. I'm really enjoying learning and can't wait for it to be safe enough to meet real people in person to practice with. Hope you're all having a nice day! 😊


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