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  1. Hey Everyone, I'm excited to be writing my wee story for you all! I have started learning BSL after being introduced to the deaf community through my new job. I work for a company who provides VRS and VRI services. So far learning BSL has given me a broader insight into all aspects of BSL and has really benefitted me, in particular learning to acknowledge my deaf colleagues and how they like to communicate with those in the hearing community. I hope that after I complete the BSL course I will be able to use BSL well and have more connecting communications with my colleagues and others in the deaf community. I look forward to reading all your introductions on SLF! Thanks SharonDavie
  2. Hello~ I've been wanting to learn BSL for a while, and finally got around to it! Though I wish i had started earlier! I work in a public arts building where we get 3000 people almost daily, and after witnessing how some shows have BSL interpreters and others have voice-to-text subtitles and other support devices, I was surprised that they never thought about just teaching the staff basic signs... even a simple 'hello', 'Are you here for the show?' etc. phrases that align with what we do on the daily. We had two women come to a show who, from what I gathered, already gave up/avoided staff because no one could sign (they were still nice and smiled, but quickly got to their seats) and I'm sure they've had the same awkward greeting multiple times. it would be great if we could greet ALL our guests that come to our building, and not have some feeling left out. So here I am~~ struggling to remember to turn off my resting b*tch face 😂😂 and learning to use my whole body language ^
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