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Everything posted by Ginger

  1. Hi there, my son is in 2nd grade and is nonverbal. He uses ASL to communicate yet he can hear enough that the teachers and aides just talk to him. They use a little bit of sign but no one in the school is fluent in ASL. Its frustrating toe as a parent to see such a lack of drive to learn it. I'm actually having a hard time with requesting it in his IEP because it's hard to advocate for him. I think it's an excellent idea to include ASL as a class in all schools.
  2. Hi there, I have a special needs son who is 8 and is mentally about the age of a 4 year old. We've know he has hearing loss since he was about 8 months old and so we started signing with him. In the last couple years his signing has come a long way thanks to signing videos and his need and want to communicate. He can hear at 40% in his left ear and a little better in his right so we definitely still verbalize everything while we are signing. The signing we are doing is more for main ideas but not so much sentences. I signed up here hoping I could get some advice and help with signs.
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