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  1. Hello everyone! I'm a 21 year old Male from the southwest of The United Kingdom. I am a hearing professional who uses BSL daily while supporting Deaf individuals in the classroom and other unique living environments. My other hobbies as well as learning languages are bushcraft, travelling, hiking, music production and socialising! Recently my ASL has developed to a conversational standard and so with this, I wanted to commit every Fri/Sat of mine throughout the Summer to a three-hour window where anyone and everyone regardless of background will be welcome to pop into a Zoom call and practice/talk with whatever sign they have! I wanted to keep this short and sweet and so anyone perhaps unsure of joining is more than welcome to message me directly for a chat! I look forward to meeting you all
  2. Hi! I'm an ASL 4 student in college. I have learned a lot about the cultural rules behind name signs (be they arbitrary or descriptive) but amazingly, even thou I have had four semesters of asl, I have never been given a sign name. I understand that a name sign should be given to you by a deaf person, but my professors and the people I have met at events have never given me one. I don't want to come across as rude so I want to know as much about this subject as possible. So I have a question... Is it considered rude in deaf culture to flat out ask someone to give you a name sign? Is it better to continue to wait to be given one or would it be ok if I asked for one from my professor? (I say my professor because he's more familiar with me so if I were to get a name sign, it makes more sense coming from him rather than someone else).
  3. Hello, all. My name is KatyLou_371, and I’ve been teaching myself ASL for about 5 years. It was love at first sign. I have wanted to be an interpreter since I started learning the language. My plan is to go back to school and become certified. I don’t have much experience with Deaf Culture, but I know a good bit of textbook information about it. I have had several interactions with Deaf people, including customers, who I have interpreted for, to take and order. Since I don’t have many interactions with the Deaf, I don’t have my Sign Name yet. I'm not sure exactly where I want to interpret, or what kind of environment I want to work in; I just know in my heart it’s something I’m destined for. I can’t see myself happy in any other career field. I do have some questions for anyone who is advanced in ASL, and would greatly appreciate any answers.
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