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  1. That's great! I'm taking level 2 ISL(Irish) right now. Got a book of Bible Stories in English and Braille I'm working through too. I wish you the best of luck!
  2. evertale


    It's a bit late to reply, though I think Let's Sign BSL Dictionary is one of the more impressive sign dictionaries. ASL has "The Gallaudet Children’s Dictionary of American Sign Language" and the ISL(Irish) dictionary includes the first page with the alphabet, the explains each further sign with the alphabet introduced on the first page. A good dictionary can be a good book I think. I only just noticed no one had answered your question, so I thought I might.
  3. It's great that you're going BSL, I'm sure you'll find friends with it. I haven't had any real conversations in sign language, I only picked ISL because it looked fun. I do hope to finish the last class in the next month. Thank you for the encouragement. I actually find Braille more testable since those I know aren't too interested in sign. Braille is quite fun now with the different English and universal ones to learn, grade 1, 2, 3, UEB, math, and music. It's nice to read dual texts, where print is on one side and Braille is on the other.
  4. Hope you achieved it. Làmh and Makaton are basically the same thing, but why not just stick to ISL/BSL? There's so many signs to learn over time, why complicate it? However. Làmh at least does have an app of games to learn Làmh called Làmh Time with a video dictionary of over a 100 signs. Also, Vimeo has 2 DVDs copied that are songs using Làmh for learning Làmh. It's not the same, and it would give you a basis of Irish Sign Language, but I think from a cost point of view, Làmh is more accessible. Besides, it might even give you an excuse to learn British Sign Language and Irish Sign Language which would increase potential people you could talk to.
  5. Well, if the numbers are to be believed, learning BSL to fluent adds 150 thousand possible friends. It's amazing that BSL, ISL, Làmh, and Makaton are all so close to each other geographically.
  6. That's thoughtful. What a nice reason to learn!
  7. My name on this forum is evertale. It's a video game of no importance. Since the pandemic, I eventually stopped believing friends were going to happen on my efforts, but that didn't stop me from learning new things. The sister website of this forum is the one I signed up for so I could at least learn enough BSL to reduce dependence on subtitles in BSL TV shows. The sign language I might know is ISL, mostly due to there is only one ISL class I haven't finished that isn't live. I have never had a mutual conversation with anyone in sign language. Some day, though. You just keep working at it until it happens. That's how life is.
  8. Wow. An AusLan speaker aiming for BSL, that's one step away from BANZL. That's amazing. I wish you fantastic success. I learned some ISL... well, I'm not sure what some is, their website is running out of classes for me. Congratulations on that Diploma.
  9. The sort of hearing where if they have just the right type of voice you're listening for words to piece together an idea of what the conversation was probably about?
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