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Everything posted by sarahalice1413

  1. Hey guys, I am Sarah, I am a newly qualified teacher and committed to my continuing professional development! I have worked with SEND children for many years prior to training as a teacher and know a few bits of BSL like toilet, help and so on but would like to follow in my Mothers foot steps and learn BSL so I am able to have conversations, give clearer instructions while in SEND schools (supply teacher at the moment so in and out of many schools). While we have the time... and now I am off work I certainly do, I thought I should begin to learn and I am loving this course! You can go at your own pace, revisit and revise! Love that you get print out's too... will be being used when I have my own classroom (fingers crossed very very soon)! Love that this course is so easy to use! And you don't have to be stuck in a classroom to learn - tomorrow I will be sat on my balcony learning while eating breakfast... watching no one walk past because we are all locked inside!! Hope to hear from some of you soon!! Any advice is welcomed - also if anyone knows of any other CPD courses that they have loved send them my way! I am using my time off wisely!
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