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Found 4 results

  1. Hello everyone I hope everyone is doing well. I usually host meeting on Saturday 2pm with various other users on this site. Come and join. A few weeks ago we covered questions and and how to sign them. We went over: whats, whos, wheres, why, etc. After we discussed the questions and tried to figure out how to phrase them I noted them all down. My best friend uses BSL on a day to day basis (scottish bsl) but he has volunteered to aid me and answer any question I have in terms of signing and phrasing. So once we finished our session I had him proof read what we covered and the next session we covered it to provide some sense and understanding to use on our day to day learning BSL. Attached are those notes and questions. Hopefully quality is decent. And you can read my handwriting. If not let me know and I will type it up. Usaid Tariq is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: BSL Meeting Time: Jul 18, 2020 02:00 PM London Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/77395693865?pwd=MnFXVlp6NjFGUkkzQ0hYV3h4QjVPdz09 Meeting ID: 773 9569 3865 Passcode: V9bVLn Usaid
  2. Hi, I've joined some friends in a friendly meetup learning BSL. Is it possible to get some booklets. Thankyou
  3. Hi guys. I bought shirt and I would like to ask for meaning this signs. I couldn't find any useful informations on the internet, so I hope you can help me. Xoxo, Merry
  4. Hi! I am a high school student that is planning a project to create a booklet of basic signs in a variety of different sign languages around the world for emergencies used by healthcare professionals. I was wondering if anyone could help me with some BSL grammar. I just have 5 questions that needs to be translated, but still haven't quite grasped the concept of sentence structuring in BSL. 1. "Where does it hurt?" into HURT WHERE? 2. "What is your name?" into NAME YOU WHAT? 3. "Do you know sign language?" or "Do you sign?" into SIGN YOU? 4. "Do you consent?" into CONSENT YOU? 5. "Do you have any family we can call?" into FAMILY HAVE CALL? Are any of these correct? I'd appreciate any form of help I can get! Thank you in advance for helping me in the process of creating this booklet for local hospitals to communicate with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community. (Also, if anyone knows other sign languages: Chinese, French, Russian, or Spanish, and can help with some grammar or words, please contact me: [email protected]!
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