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Intoducing Myself - Danni


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Hi, my name is Danni and I am a linguist in the RAF. I have wanted to learn BSL for years and did some Makaton with my mum when I was younger and I really enjoyed it. I started this course in lockdown as a side-piece to my work as I thought it could be really useful to understand the foundations of BSL to then hopefully be able to study the basics in sign languages from other countries that I deal with on a daily basis. Within my field of work, despite being a linguist, I haven't come across anyone who is able to sign in any language, yet I believe that it is key to be able to at least speak the basics such as greetings in case the need ever arose, whether it be in work or in normal civi life. It is a bit like going to a foreign country I guess, as you wouldn't go on holiday to a foreign country and expect everyone in this case to speak English - so why the same in regards to BSL. I am hoping that after I have completed this course I can implement a system at my base where more people are encouraged to learn BSL. 

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