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Hello Everyone

I am Marion,  I started out learning Makaton signing as I work with adults who have ASD and I want to be able to community with service users who are non-verbal or have difficulty communicating. Honestly I never understood how learning to communicate with others could make such a difference for the person and also for myself, it opens up a whole new level of trust and relationship which is priceless.  I have always wanted to learn to sign, and started to learn singing with sign at a playgroup which is fun to do, I am now teaching my grandson little signs while he is learning to talk because I want him to be able to communicate with all children. 


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Hi, i recently completed a course in makaton which i use the sign when asking him to do something or going places, like car, or bed, please and thankyou, he can do a couple when he wants too 😁  we also watch a lot of mr tumble and we have a singing with sign dvd from a charity called singing hands which is great, he is only 18months but he loves watching anything with signing on it!

Edited by marionC
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