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Hi, I'm Annie and just turned 60 years old :)

I wear hearing aids on both ears - nothing to do with my age.  I am a person with hearing loss not picked up in childhood and worn hearing aids since I was in my 20s.  I work as a nurse in the NHS and would like to learn BSL to help me in my role and with colleagues use and patients who use BSL.  I've just joined a class and to be honest found the first one REALLY hard.  There were quite a few people and I felt overwhelmed as everyone seemed to pick it up so much better than me.  I'm thinking of giving up the class and just trying myself so looking for encouragement to continue please!  

I also have a 3 year old grand child and I REALLY wish she was taught BSL at nursery/pre-school. 

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Annie, Do not give up trying. I have just completed the course, I am 65 and my wife suffers with hearing loss and it is getting worse. Undertook this course to give us both a chance to learn new ways of communication. Just because others pick it up quicker does not mean that you will not succeed in learning. As a nurse you must remember how hard it can be to teach someone new, and how well they eventually become.  Well this is just the same persevere and you will get there. All the best.  

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Keep at it, Annie! Same as Stevel said; perseverance is the key :) People are all different, and also have different ways of learning, don't let it put you off! I am also a slow learner and do better at retaining information if I use it, so I may pick something up in a lesson but then it's gone by the time the assessment comes along, if I haven't continued to use it in between! Give yourself a break and go at your own pace, you will get there :) x

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