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Hello from Australia

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Hi my name is Emma and I am learning BSL from Australia. I have completed my Diploma of Auslan (Australian Sign Language) and have started learning BSL. If anyone is not a complete beginner and would like to practice that would be great! Australia is approx 9 hours ahead of London time...so hopefully we can find a suitable time:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow.  An AusLan speaker aiming for BSL, that's one step away from BANZL.  That's amazing.  I wish you fantastic success. 

I learned some ISL... well, I'm not sure what some is, their website is running out of classes for me.  Congratulations on that Diploma.

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Hey! What a lovely email to receive:)Thank you. I did do a short course in NZSL but it is obviously very similar to Auslan so I thought BSL users are a much larger community so went that way instead!

I would encourage you to learn more ISL ( perhaps assuming wrongly you mean Irish Sign Language?) such a wonderful skill to have signed languages.  Thanks for contacting me:). Emma.

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It's great that you're going BSL, I'm sure you'll find friends with it.

I haven't had any real conversations in sign language, I only picked ISL because it looked fun.  I do hope to finish the last class in the next month.  Thank you for the encouragement.

I actually find Braille more testable since those I know aren't too interested in sign.  Braille is quite fun now with the different English and universal ones to learn, grade 1, 2, 3, UEB, math, and music.  It's nice to read dual texts, where print is on one side and Braille is on the other. 



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