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Im 16 and currently in sixthform. learning bsl through a school club and an online course. My reasons for learning bsl are a bit different from most peoples, one of my freinds pitched an idea to me for us both to start learning bsl for a dungeons and dragons character concept where he is roleplaying a criminal who had their tongue cut off and can only comunicate to me through signs and writing. Im enjoying sign language much more than i thought i would and so want to get a bit more involved.

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  • 4 weeks later...

As weird as it sounds, I totally get this. I'm not learning BSL for D&D purposes, but one of my best friends who I play with is pretty good at it. I thought it'd make an excellent version of Thieves Cant or even the Drow Hand Signal Language (which is, essentially, very similar to BSL!). I'd definitely considered using it in a character too :D

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