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  1. Hello everyone! I am currently collecting data for my gender and language course! I am also a 2-year ASL student. My project is focused on how gender is used in ASL, and I would greatly appreciate it if you could take about 3-5 minutes to complete my google form! I would really appreciate your help :) The link is placed below! https://forms.gle/yiC33UhwsCGnmPwq9
  2. Hello! My name is Mikaela and I am a freshman in college. I have been signing for 4 year now and have a passion for the culture and language. As I am in college now studying social work, I am not able/don't have the time to study ASL also. I really want to keep my asl and use it for my career but I have no one I can sing with. Thats why I am here! Im looking for people to have a ASL connection with and to basically only sign to each other. Id love to get two know you, become friends, and grow our passion our ASL together! P.S. I am also a ASL tutor so if you need help, I am here
  3. Hello there, fellow ASL enthusiasts! I am currently taking ASL 1 in college, and would love a study buddy. There aren't many close by deaf communities, and am looking to apply the knowledge I learn. Would anyone be interested? I am on the Pacific Time Zone if that helps.
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