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Found 4 results

  1. Hey everyone, I'm HoH and am a proficient signer. I learned ASL through a community program as well as in college a few years ago. However, over the years my signing skills diminished since there aren't many signers in my family/friend circles or my local community. I hope I can make some friends here and eventually improve my signing skills to where they used to be, and hopefully better. ☺️ - Ryss
  2. I would appreciate any help available to finish out my ASL 1 class and get better at communicating easily before moving on to ASL 2 next school year.
  3. Hi, I'm currently taking an online ASL class and this week is the final. We only got a few pages of notes for grammar and nothing else. I've done okay on the few assignments before this where I had to gloss. I really want to do well on my final so it would be greatly appreciated if someone could look over what I've done and help me out. I know I probably made many mistakes but I'm still learning and would greatly appreciate this little bit of help. file:///C:/Users/12192/OneDrive/ASL Grammar/ASL Final.pdf hopefully that link works if not you may just have to copy and paste it. Thank You for helping
  4. I'm looking for someone to teach me ASL. My local colleges teach it, even my local adult learning center teaches it. However, two things there - neither one has an ASL class until next semester. And - Neither one has a beginning, or, ASL 1 class until next fall Plus - they are both damned expensive, not to mention lab fees and textbooks! I didn't pay to learn the basics of American English; why should I have to pay to learn the basics of another language? I never understood that one... (My parents taught me the basics, school and society taught me the rest.) I have tried some of the online free courses, but they are... useless. There is no base. What I get from them is: Here is a sign for a particular word. Here is another sign for another word. Here is yet another sign for yet another word. And so on and so on. How do those words go together? Grammar, syntax, sentence structure...? What is the "etymology" (It is a language after all!) of a particular sign? Why that sign and not another one? One great example of what you don't get from a video is this: I just recently heard of a guy named Clerc and another one name Gallaudet. Both rather important to sign language in general and quite important to American Sign Language, one would think; yet not mentioned in any video lessons. So, where can I go where I can: Not pay an arm and a leg Learn the history Learn about the "etymology" (I use quotes because I don't know if that is the proper term) Learn proper form of the signs Learn proper grammar and finally - be able to practice with someone who knows what they are doing (so I don't pick up any bad habits!) Has anyone ever heard of Bill Vicars and ASLU? Is he still teaching? (His website is very out-dated) Thanks for any assistance that can be provided. I never got a response from my intro post, so I thought I would post here with more information. CW
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