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Your opinion counts: the free app for learning sign language!

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Hey everyone,

I've developed "SignTranslate", a completely free AI app dedicated to learning sign language. My goal was to create a space where everyone could learn and practice at their own pace, with a variety of resources suitable for all levels.

The app is still in its development phase, and I'd love to get your feedback to make it even better. If you have a moment, could you test it out and let me know your thoughts? I'm particularly interested in your opinions on the current features, what you think is missing, and aspects that could be improved.

Your help would be invaluable in making SignTranslate an even more useful tool for the sign language community.

Thanks in advance for your time and support!

Link : https://chat.openai.com/g/g-4XBxNPt1A-sign-translate

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