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My reasons to speak with my hands

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In all honesty, sign language has been a passion of mine since i can remember, maybe around the age of 10, my grandmother was deaf, and my mother is deaf in one ear, and then down to me, i cant tell if its hereditary in my family or not lol, but i started learning from my grandmother before she died. Whenever i would see her use sign language to someone it just seemed so personal, and unique to her. i could see all her emotions as she felt them when she signed.  you could see happiness when she was happy and fury when she was angry, it seems way more expressive and you can see how someone is feeling to the tee. its just beautiful, it just made me want to learn it more. as i got older i never seen anyone ever use sign language and it became hard for me to communicate with other people and them me because no one knew the language and didnt bother to try to learn it to talk to me. i had a hard time getting by in school and even as i came into my adult years, the fact that there is no one around that knows it makes me what to learn it more because its different and its a silent and graceful language just as i am, so not only am i learning for communication purposes but also because i want people to see the beauty in it and how more expressive we can be with this language. 

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if you dont use it, you lose it right? hope i can get to the level where we can help each other through practice. i live in a different country, so ASL is used here ALTHOUGH some deaf people do study it so that can communicate on a global level. for now, i am confined to the internet to learn. 

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That is on, if you choose to earn from the I internet.  I am doing the same since there aren't any deaf people besides me anywhere near me so I stick to learning the ameri an sign language since from what I see is used mostly here, I think we can make a lot of progress practicing together. I'm on the beginners level still, I'm taking free online classes too and those help a lot. Would u like to practice with me?

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Recently retired from the field of Education for Blind and Visually Impaired.   Want to learn something new for a potential opportunity to volunteer or take a part-time position in a new area of education or rehabilitation.  Looking for a place to practice ASL.  Started my first class on July 9.

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