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Lizzy D

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Everything posted by Lizzy D

  1. Hey there, I'm Lizzy, a passionate student pursuing Veterinary Medicine. From a young age, I've always harboured a deep desire to learn sign language. It's not just a skill; it's an essential part of thriving in today's society. Although I haven't had the chance to meet a deaf person yet, I strongly believe that mastering sign language will open countless doors, especially in my future as a veterinarian. For me, sign language goes far beyond mere communication. It's about tearing down barriers and ensuring that every individual, regardless of their hearing ability, can be understood and included. By immersing myself in sign language, I'll be able to forge genuine connections and provide top-notch care to deaf individuals and their cherished animal companions. It's about showing them the respect they deserve, and embracing their language and culture on a profound level. I am incredibly excited about the potential that learning sign language holds. It not only enriches my veterinary education but also allows me to contribute to a more inclusive and compassionate world. I yearn for the day when I can seamlessly integrate deaf individuals into my practice, making sure their voices are heard and their needs are met. By embarking on this personal journey of learning sign language, I am committed to fostering empathy, understanding, and genuine connections as a future veterinarian and an advocate for inclusivity in our society.
  2. Hi Suzie, I completely agree! I believe that sign language should be used in schools around the UK. Including sign language in the school, curriculum promotes inclusivity, breaks down barriers between hearing and deaf individuals, and enables effective communication for all. By teaching sign language, we demonstrate that there is no fundamental difference between these groups, fostering a more inclusive society. Students with sign language skills can communicate effectively with the deaf community, bridging communication gaps. This integration ensures every student learns this valuable skill, fostering empathy, understanding, and appreciation for diverse forms of communication. By embracing sign language education, we create a cohesive and compassionate society where everyone can connect on a deeper level. This not only empowers the deaf community but also helps to bridge the communication gap that often exists in our society.
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