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Posts posted by Cassie

  1. On 12/07/2018 at 13:26, Kayla Smith said:

    Ty! Much appreciated! Could Platinum maybe be the same as Gold and Silver, but with a P? x

    I think you could use this informally, with friends/as a 'home sign'. Or if you were doing a speech/presentation where you would be repeating the word a lot you could fingerspell it once and signal that you are going to use that sign for platinum. For any new people you meet though they probably wouldn't immediately guess what you meant if you used 'P' the same as gold/silver, so then you may have to switch to fingerspelling, just for clarity. I think in most casual/informal situations and especially with friends it can be helpful to develop signs for a word you might use often, or that is hard to spell :) Just an opinion/my thoughts from my experience though, not a rule for signing in general.

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  2. The sign for Wales is to hold up your three middle fingers bent slightly forward (like a claw), and move your hand straight downwards.

    Video here: 



    The sign for Rose is the same as 'flower' but you use the lip-pattern (mouthing the word) rose, the sign is put your finger and thumb together and touch either side under your nose, like smelling a flower.

    Video here:




    The sign for diamond is your non-dominant hand held flat, palm down (As if you were going to show someone your ring) and your dominant hand on top of that hand, fingers together and then open and close them quickly, as if to show sparkling of a diamond.

    Video here:



    There isn't an actual sign for platinum you would fingerspell p-l-a-t-i-n-u-m. You could use the sign for metal with the lip-pattern platinum, the sign for metal is your index finger taps your chin twice.

    Video (for metal) here:



    Hope this helps :)


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  3. I don't think there is one, you would finger spell c-y-a-n, you could use the sign for blue, that would be the closest actual sign. You could combine fingerspelling followed by the sign for blue straight after, that would probably be the clearest way to sign it with an actual sign.

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  4. I don't think there is one, there usually aren't signs for specific places. Here in the UK place name signs tend to be regional - so the people who live there might have a sign, but people that live in other parts of the country may not know or use it and just fingerspell the place name instead.

    I think you would just fingerspell M-I-L-A-N and/or sign 'Italy.

  5. I would sign tree and then describe a willow tree, then maybe fingerspell willow + sign tree to make it clear.


    You could just fingerspell willow + sign tree but using signs to describe how it looks would give a clearer and more BSL explanation, depends on the context/how you want to put it across though.

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  6. You may want to look in 'Makaton' which is a simpler version of sign langauge and usually used with babies/special needs individuals. There is a separate thread on this site for Makaton, but youtube is a good place to look for videos. I believe some Makaton courses may also be cheaper and shorter than BSL courses which can be a little pricey sometimes.

    The Makaton Charity    https://www.makaton.org has info about courses and some resources too. Hope this helps :)

  7. Hi Melanie,

    Usually children with PMLD or other learning disabilities use a simpler form of signing called Makaton to communicate (if they use signing). This is usually used with small children and those with LD.


    https://www.makaton.org has a lot of information as well as info on how to learn. Although some signs are similar to BSL, Makaton uses English (grammar) structure and signs can be different.


    Hope this helps :)

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