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Found 3 results

  1. Hello, everyone! My name is Karin, and i need your help. English it's not my mother tongue, so obviously i don't know BSL very well. But i learn russian sign language. It doesn't matter in this situation, but i decided add this. So i listen to some music and i am a fan of Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson. If you don't know they're British popular singer. So they are use sign language. I roughly understand what they say, but my knowledge is not enough to understand everything in 100%. I have some video when they using BSL. I can send it to you if you diced to help me. So if you interested in this, and if you can help me please contact with me. It's my email address: [email protected] I really need your help. All the love. Stay safe!
  2. For my college project I am trying to invlove the BsL community more within the musical industry. Part of my project is market research so please could you guys do my survey I would be very grateful https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8NTPMF5 Thank you x
  3. For my college project I am trying to invlove the BsL community more within the musical industry. Part of my project is market research so please could you guys do my survey I would be very grateful https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8NTPMF5 Thank you x
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