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Video project for learners of BSL

Jeremy Taylor

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 I am a writer, mostly writing books for people learning languages. One of my books is a language learning joke book - currently translated into 45 different languages. I would be interested in producing an ebook for people learning sign language. It is not difficult to add video to an ebook (though these are only available through Apple Books which means the market is limited to people with an iPhone or iPad) Video takes up quite a lot of ‘space’ so my idea would be to offer my joke book (100 jokes) in English but with the punchline delivered as a short video in BSL. The jokes are pretty innocent and many people will be familiar with ‘waiter waiter’ or 'doctor doctor’ jokes so may know the punchline already but it is still very satisfying to understand it in a ‘language' you are learning.
   I am not looking to make any money out of it, just happy to help people who are learning BSL. I’m completely deaf in one ear so it might not be too long before I need it myself.  Would you like to be involved? Do you know any other people who would also be willing to work on it? You don't have to be a comedian, just someone who is competent at BSL. It shouldn’t take too long and should be a lot of fun - and hopefully make learning BSL (even) more enjoyable. If people want more information about the joke books, they are all here: https://languagelearningjokebooks.com

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