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GP, Scout, Church, LGBTQ, Autism, Dungeons and Dragons!

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I've lots of reasons for learning and am interested to meet people who have similar interests to share vocabulary

  1. Im a GP and I want to make my practice more inclusive. I'll still need interpreters, of course, but I'd like to be able to make it more accessible for people to communicate their needs without booking on or relying on an app
  2. Im a Scout leader and work with another leader who is Deaf and signs. We already sign together and hope to provide more opportunity for young people 
  3. Im involved in the church and want to make this inclusive
  4. Im LGBTQ and want to learn the vocabulary to discuss issues facing our community
  5. Im autistic and want to learn the vocabulary to discuss neurodiversity, as well as being able to use sign with ND friends when they struggle with verbal communications
  6. Im a big fan of call of cthulhu, D&D and other geeky games and want to be able to use sign in games
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