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Hi there! :3

I've been interested in BSL for a while because I think it's just an amazing way to involve everyone no matter how much or little they're able to hear or say and I've been learning little bits here and there for a while now. I decided to really go for it and learn it properly when I started serving a deaf couple in work. I work for Home Bargains, and the couple are in quite regularly. The lady can lip read and she's able to respond so I can understand her, but I'd love to be able to sign things for them to make it a little easier for the both of them to talk to me. I love chatting with customers and getting to know new people, so hopefully this forum will be able to help me out with that. ^-^

I hope you're all having a good weekend.

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Hi Loki,

I am currently in the process of studying for my BSL Level 2, so I am more than happy to help you out with anything you are not familiar with or just need help on. Just remember that BSL has its own structure to its language, can be confusing to start but you get to pick up on it. YouTube is always a great way to learn and pick up new signs, although again just remember that there are variations of signs throughout the United Kingdom. Keep signing to the customers when they come in, they appreciate it more than you actually think.


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