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Signing along to music (in BSL/SSE)

Nick Bieber

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Hello 😁
My name is Nicholas Bieber (no, I'm not related to Justin Bieber, ha!), I'm 25-years-old and I have moderate hearing loss.
I have to wear hearing aids every day, but fortunately I can hear with them, and they have enabled me to mix with fully hearing people and enjoy my career as a journalist. 
Sadly though, for so many people this is not the case 💔 Many, like my grandparents, are fully deaf and will never get to experience the special emotions that come with listening to music 😔
So I've done something special (I hope)! 🎶📹
I learned British Sign Language as a young boy, so I could comminicate with my grandparents, and ended up getting a qualification in it (in levels 1 and 2).
I have now started a special YouTube channel where I interpret songs into sign language!
For my second video (link posted after this sentence), I performed the incredible Lost Without You by Freya Ridings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQaT8sI1EsE&feature=youtu.be
 I'd be SO honoured and grateful if you could share this with your friends and family, and in doing so, helping me to raise awareness of this beautiful language.

I feel sign language should be a compulsory subject in schools, as it is just as important as learning Spanish, French and German. So let's help achieve that! 😁
Thank you 😊
Nicholas Bieber
Twitter: @nickbieber
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