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Jordan H.

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Jordan H. last won the day on February 16 2021

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  1. I want to do a zoom thing here in a bit, would anyone want to join?
  2. Hello! I am a High School student currently taking ASL 2, I'm not very good and pretty much only know the basics. On top of that I just recently broke my thumb and signing has been really hard because it's my dominant hand. However, I love the ASL community and the language so so much, if anybody would be willing to just to sit down and have a supper chill VC just to get some practice in and meet some people that would be awesome!!!
  3. Perfect! I'm Mountain Time Zone, so just an hour ahead of you. I'll go ahead and shoot you a text just so you have my number too. Feel free to message me when you're free.
  4. Oh very cool, I am in ASL 2 this year. I would love to practice sometime as long as you can be patient with me hahaha
  5. Hello Everyone, I am currently a beginner at ASL but absolutely love the language! I'm hoping on here I can meet some people and learn a lot from others. The one problem I have is finding people that want to practice sign, it could be anyone patient enough to go slower and hopefully teach me some stuff. Maybe in the future I could get a video chat going with some people that would want to practice together? Let me know If anyone wants to schedule something!
  6. Hello everyone! I'm Jordan and a beginner at ASL. If anyone is patient enough to work with me and practice together I would love it!
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