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I'm Becky, and I'm 63 years old.  I have always wanted to learn ASL, even though I've never known any Deaf people.  I am just finishing up a Conversational ASL class at a community college and I love it even more than I expected to!  I'm going on through Level 2 and Level 3, even though I'm not looking for a second career or anything  ;)  I just love the language!  So expressive and yet simple.  My one trouble is that so far, I haven't found anyone local to sign with, so all of my practice is solo except on class nights.  I hope to be able to make some online friends to practice and share signing with, on this excellent website!

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Hi Becky,  I'm Angelo - 58 years old.  Just getting started with ASL.  I'm on lesson 5 of LifePrint and did a little other reading before LifePrint.  I'd love to practice, but I would be at a much lower/slower level than you.  If you are fine with that - let me know.  Thanx!  Angelo


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