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Found 5 results

  1. Hello, my name's Louise and I'm a 52-year-old disabled single mum from Yorkshire. I was a journalist and sub-editor for 20 years after leaving school and during that time, I worked on a number of stories involving members of the Deaf/deaf communities and learnt how to fingerspell as I didn't have the resources available in the 1980s to learn British Sign Language. Since then I've gone on to pick up odd signs and have also worked with HCPT with both Deaf/deaf and hearing impaired people and have two close friends who are trained BSL interpreters. As I'm now mostly housebound with a disability, and one of my regular carers was hearing impaired and used hearing aids, I have time and the resources are now available to look at learning at least the basics of BSL in the hope of being able to converse to some degree with anyone else I may come across in my life. I hope to be able to gain more understanding of BSL and its importance within not only the Deaf/deaf world but also wider British life.
  2. until
    Hi Everyone! I need people to practise sign language with I'm doing my level 3 and I don't care what level your at me helping you will help me from the 8th of May I be in a pratise room every day around 7-9pm if we need more can move to a different platform but would be amazing to get help with BSL. Come build your confidence in sign and help me practice I will do structures to help learn while doing level 3 for stuff everyone has to practise e.g. Receptive skill, fingerspelling, stories, object placement etc... Thanks guys and hope to see you there!
  3. HEY! Im hosting an event we all can enter. This event is only due to covid so all i want you to do is, below here. On the exact date. TEST EACHOTHER! This is for anyone who wants some help without paying online and just to say hi to the people in the community. If for some reason you cant comment under this go to my last introducuary post and comment under there. There will be a chance for people to ask questions if needed like"whats my BSL name" and things like that. This is just so, like ive stated, we can get to know our community more. Tell them were you live, what's your name, why you started BSL and just Have a nice chat. I hope you enjoy this event thanks!
  4. Hi, I'm only learning and I want to check how accurate this is and would love any help/advice anyone could give me. I'm trying to work out the structure of BSL and I had this song in my head so I thought I'd give it a go. Also I was lazy and didn't get up the song so I'm afraid I'm also the singer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVzblDhXvqQ&feature=youtu.be Thank you.
  5. Hi everyone. My name is Darryl and I work and live in Bangor, Northern Ireland. Although i had a deaf friend during my teenager years, he was a fantastic lip reader, so we rarely had to sign and the signs he did show me, were generally curse signs. Forward to the present day and nearly twenty old years later and i have always wanted to learn BSL and now have the means and financial ability to do so. My background is Mental health and Learning disability services but two years ago, i 'retired' and went into self employment as a Hypnotherapist / Counsellor as well as a Hypnobirthing practitioner . I also teach hypnotherapy in a local university for a national teaching organisation. So by learning BSL, as well as personal achievement, it may also help me in my working life as I have supported couples during pregnancy that have hearing difficulties. Thanks for reading.
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