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Found 4 results

  1. Hello, my online name is Jason and i do not feel comfortable in sharing my real name My fave animal is snakes, i like the colour Transparent, and i chose to learn bsl to talk to my freind in class and my friend’s mum who is deaf. i hope you enjoy this post, bye!
  2. Does anyone actually use this website to communicate with each other? Every time I am on a rarely see others post or commune with each other or occupy the video chat rooms. Currently I have hit a wall in my lessons and would like to actually try to practice beginner sign language with another user. I have learned the majority of the signs from the now completed course, give or take a few. And would like to practice full conversation with other individuals (questions, day to day talk, how to correctly sign this particular sentence, etc). Thanks for taking the time to read this. And please reach out if interested.
  3. until
    Hi Everyone! I need people to practise sign language with I'm doing my level 3 and I don't care what level your at me helping you will help me from the 8th of May I be in a pratise room every day around 7-9pm if we need more can move to a different platform but would be amazing to get help with BSL. Come build your confidence in sign and help me practice I will do structures to help learn while doing level 3 for stuff everyone has to practise e.g. Receptive skill, fingerspelling, stories, object placement etc... Thanks guys and hope to see you there!
  4. Hi. I’m sharna. I wear hearing aids as I am hard of hearing and because of that I’ve always wanted to learn bsl but the courses are very expensive and I tried with just an online course but then I couldn’t practice with people which is what I want (otherwise it’ll be like in one ear and out the other but about eyes instead of ears. Also - I made an ear joke haha - not wanting to offend anyone by that though If you can’t laugh...) I really want it as a second language to the point of I can do it without much thought like I do with English. And hopefully I’ll make friends. Nice to meet you all
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