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Found 3 results

  1. I'm looking for members who work in a school - I'm keen to speak to people who have worked in education and who have had to work with Deaf/deaf students. I began my second teaching assistant role in April, during lockdown, and am learning BSL online for a deaf student I have been paired with, to support her in her home learning. I feel I am picking up signs fairly fast, and I think this is down to the fact that I have a real interest in learning BSL as a skill, and have done for years, but was too afraid to take the plunge and dip my toes in to a course. Now that I have a reason to do it - I love learning BSL and find it such a fascinating language. I would love to talk to some teachers or teaching assistants about any experience they have had with deaf students before or currently 🙂 please do get in touch! 💖
  2. Leicestershire County Council Adult Learning Service are recruiting for part time BSL tutors to work across the county. Usually working evenings but sometimes daytime. You need at least level 3 BSL and a recognised teaching qualification (PTLLS, DTLLS accepted) Deaf tutors particularly welcome to apply. If you need assistance with your application please email [email protected] Job closes 30th November - see advert below! https://www.facebook.com/job_opening/498093943931888/?source=post
  3. Hello, I am a current computer science A-level student and I have a project for my final year in which i can make any program, I have decided to make a program that teaches beginners the essentials for sign language. The program will hopefully teach users, test them and then stores these results allowing users to track progress and play mini-games. Similar to the language application Duo lingo (If you have heard of it). My initial plan was to reach to a younger demographic. I was wondering if there was any advice on this potential program I could receive from the BSL community and if the program would help at all, I would appreciate it greatly, Thank you. Kam,
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