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Hey, hope you're keeping well,


I'm Ciara, I'm from Northern Ireland and have started learning BSL while I've been furloughed from my job during this pandemic. Learning BSL was something I've been wanting to do for a few years, but with uni and other job commitments I couldn't find the time to join a physical class. So now with ample free time, and this flexible online course, there really was no excuse not to.


I don't work in the medical field, nor do I know anyone who uses BSL in their everyday life, but I do hope to be able to utilize this skill should I need to in the future. Also, it's been quite fun signing some words and getting my family members guess what I'm signing haha.


Thank you for reading my intro, and I hope your studying is going well, 

Ciara   😃

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Awwh brilliant good to know someone from N.I doing it as well and deff not that far away :)

Very good! the lessons have been brilliant. There is a lot to learn and take in with some of the modules but i found i worked best commiting myself to an hour in the morning taking notes and learning it. That way you're not trying to cram loads in at once as there is a lot of vocab in certain modules but ive really enjoyed it so far.

How do you find it?

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Yes i write notes that makes it in a way i can recognise and learn it through there going through topics 1 by 1 🙂

I'm revising it for it in the hope of doing it Wednesday. Only passed the last module 9 on Friday and take the weekends off to relax so going to revise the next day or 2 for the final assessment :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh congratulations girl! I'm so happy for you for passing, and extra congrats on getting the full 100%!!!! 😁😁😁 I'm sure you were thrilled with your results! Do you have your certificate printed out yet? 😋


Yeah I'm all good, was suppose to be back in work, but last minute it got pushed back, then some family stuff came up, but everything has calmed down now thankfully. Only getting back into BSL today so still on Module 4, but towards the end. At the Work and School section. I hope to get that assessment done by Monday and then hopefully that'll be me back in the swing of learning BSL 😊

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Thank you so much!! ❤

Was so happy and relieved as they do throw in a few tricky ones but yea got my certificate printed out and currently on my desk! Im sure you will smash it when the time comes as well :)

Aww the work situation with everything here is so hard atm.. im supposed to be returning as a classroom assistant in Bangor at end of August and feeling quite nervous about how different its going to be. Hope stuff with your family is okay. Im here if ever want to chat or can pm through fb if you want - Helen McConnell.

Good luck with continuing the modules. Keep me updated :)

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Well, thank you for the vote of confidence, when I get my certificate I will be framing it and showing it off to everybody I know haha 😂 But seriously, congrats again on acing the final exam. Well deserved.


I'm not surprised you're nervous about heading back, I know for me it's definitely going to feel like I'm starting a new job when I eventually get the go ahead to go back in. Just curious, but do you have to take any additional health and safety course or additional training before going back to a classroom environment, or is it just "These are the new rules, adhere to them please".

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Haha i was the same. Put it up on Facebook and told family and you should as it is an amazing achievement 

Yes it feels like going in new and blind almost for me too. No we dont have any training to do but heard layout going to completely change operating of the day and just so unknown. Not helped by fact i support a student in my job with epilepsy and her seizures are triggered by anxiety nervousness etc so me and her family who im very close to are worried.

What is it you do again? 


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