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Complete Beginner - Whats the Best Way To Learn/Do a Course?

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Hello folks


I've done a bit of research into various level 1 courses and I'm finding it all very confusing, plus the cost differences are amazing. 

What is the best way for a complete beginner to learn BSL?  Is it ok to do the online level 1 then go onto level 2 in a class, or is it better to do the class from level 1 so one gets the hand forms correct?

I'm thinking of doing a taster session first and see how I get on, then do level 1, or is it possible to skip that level and go into level 2 if you know the hand forms?


I've seen courses at Universities (Kings is £310 each part, with level 1 divided into 3 parts and as such it's a costly £930 for the complete course), compared to the online BSL course of £20.  Then the local adult education does something called the prelevel 1s and 2s at £126 and £158.


Please help, I'm on a minimum wage so can't afford the huge cost of some of these course.  If I like the BSl I hope to take it further through the courses, so a long journey (I presume to level 6).




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