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Jeetus Maximus Sohpal

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Jeetus Maximus Sohpal last won the day on November 21 2022

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  1. A bit rusty on this but I think it would go something like - Me - Ask - Question or just Question
  2. Morning folks. Been out of the picture for a while as been busy with prepping for our new arrival which is at the end of this month. How are the practice sessions going? Are they still running? Not sure when I will be back but hopefully I'll be back soon. Currently juggling work, health and a preggers wife along with trying to learn Level 1 BSL 😅 Hope to see you all soon
  3. So sorry but I wont make it this afternoon. Having to cover a remote project for work but I really hope you guys all link up with each other anyway and keep the group going
  4. As @Jackson has said - do the training courses instead however they are not cheap either - https://www.bslcourses.co.uk/courses/level-1-bsl-training
  5. @PD1882 eh up chap! Zoom details below. See you Saturday - Topic: BSL Meeting Time: Jul 25, 2020 02:00 PM London Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/77395693865?pwd=MnFXVlp6NjFGUkkzQ0hYV3h4QjVPdz09 Meeting ID: 773 9569 3865 Passcode: V9bVLn @Usayd Islam Tariq the link and meeting ID are still the same right?
  6. Good afternoon @douglasmathers @Nicole H @VanessaH @Jeetus Maximus Sohpal @Mariam @Shellie @Faith Odi. I have started/joined the meeting.
  7. Hi @Mariam, try here - https://www.bslcourses.co.uk/ they’re not cheap but the quality of the course is very good. Don’t go for any places offering a course at a silly cheap price otherwise you get what you pay for.
  8. @Usayd Islam Tariq i wont make it this weekend Im afraid.
  9. Hi @Charlotte-bsl beginner Yes pretty much. You could give the wolf sign a slightly longer snout.
  10. Do not get taken in by the cheap courses for BSL. Some websites advertise their courses priced at ridiculously low prices e.g marked down from £149.99 to £15.00 - but do not sign up to these courses. If you read through the specification of their course(s) and do not see it as being registered with Signature or iBSL then avoid like the plague. I got taken in by the cheap pricing on one of the websites and after starting one of the courses I was disappointed to learn that it was nothing but useless PowerPoint slides and hardly any signing at all. Valuable lesson learnt regarding pricing and a reminder - "If its too good to be true...........". Please be wary and if in doubt ask here
  11. @ChloeS cant see any problem with you joining. Welcome to BSL PS. Normally I would record and post a video signing my reply to you but its late and I am very tired. Speak to you soon.
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