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Introduction! New to ASL Old to SEE


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My name is Stephanie, I live in Alaska now, and am in University there. I work in the summer in SE Alaska (Petersburg) as a biologist, but go to school up in Fairbanks during fall and spring for my graduate program in marine biology. Winter I make sure to spend my time traveling as much as I can. The world is such a beautiful and amazing place it seems a shame to not explore it.

I grew up with a deaf best friend, but being a rural community with no access to ASL and growing up in a hearing family, he learned SEE (Signed Exact English). I picked it up fast, took a few classes when I was older, but now he is learning ASL so I figured I would too. My dad and younger brother are deaf due to a virus now and learning ASL. Being in rural Alaska the deaf community does not have many translator options so it is always good to have the skills to help out when you can. My signing ability is pretty mixed, PSE and SEE being advanced, but then being really slow at ASL. I'm not taking classes at this time, so really need people to be able to video chat and practice my ASL with. 

Hope I can find some people on the online community to sign with and expand my skillset and meet some cool people, of course! 

Let me know if you are out there!

-Stephanie: [email protected]


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