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Found 9 results

  1. Hi guys, I have recently started learning BSL - extremely beginner!! I am wondering when signing and talking at the same time do I say what I sign or say the sentence. For instance, when singing “name your what” do I say ‘name your what’ or ‘what’s your name’ Hopefully this makes sense!!
  2. I'm recording a video since this is a sign language forum lol, if anyone wants to make friends through sign I'm all for it as I don't actually know anyone who signs :) say hi!
  3. Hi, My name is Ellen Dodkins, I have been interested in learning about sign language since I was at secondary school as my school had a hearing resource base due to having deaf students within our school population. Sign language was very normalised at my school and I had the opportunity to learn both Level 1 and Level 2 BSL while at school. I have signed up to this resource to refresh my memory of sign language and help me to be able to communicate within the community better. Hope I can develop my understanding of sign language and be able to communicate within the community even better. Ellen
  4. Ebony


    Hello, I am a teaching assistant in a Specialist secondary school, I am looking to work on my signing schools. I work in a class of 12 but only 1 child uses BSL however it is heavily used across the school. Hoping to eventually find someone that I can practice my BSL with (and vice versa), just completed Part 4. Looking forward to signing with you, Ebony:)
  5. Hi all! I have been on and off learning BSL for a few years as I've too much on to fully commit so I'm a complete beginner! While I remember most of what I learned, my friend did this sign to me last weekend while we were at a wedding and I don't know what it means. Can anyone help out? It won't let me attach the video as it is MP4, but it is the help for sign, except moving your thumb as well. So closed fist with thumb sticking up lying on outstretched palm. Move thumb from side to side. I can't find it anywhere on the net and it's really annoying me because I recognise it so any help would be much appreciated! P.S Sorry in advance if this was my friend being funny and is actually a swear or rude word.
  6. Hi, I was just wondering, what is the sign for Wales, Rose, Diamond and Platinum? Thanks, -Kayla
  7. Hi. I am thinking about setting up a 8-10 week BSL programme to enable hearing people to use basic signs with Deaf signing users. What would you consider essential BSL signs. Think about. Nursery. Schools and super markets. Thank you x
  8. Hello, I was wondering if anybody knew the sign for Bath, as in the place, not the tub! It's quite difficult to find online. Thanks, Bex
  9. Dear All, I am a bit of a (hearing) tech geek and have a personal friend who is Deaf, therefore I understand a fair amount about the difficulties of not being included in everything. I have recently identified a revolutionary new Digital Communication Channel that has been approved and endorsed by RDA (which will come free of charge to Deaf and Hard of Hearing & friends and family) and I am reaching out to the community for support in turning this into reality. I am in the process of setting up a fundraising campaign on Kickstarter, news to follow soon, however as part of my Kickstarter Application I would like to add a 'signed' video to demonstrate and verify my working proof of concept and looking for a volunteer. My plan is to develop an intelligent Lifestyle & communication Mobile Application including an ewallet with some really exciting and innovative features, eg augmented reality (think Pokemon Go but not as a game rather as an identifier), Gamification, loyalty etc to name only a few. For example, you're on a train/tube and suddenly it comes to a stop, no station in sight and there is no apparent reason for this stop. Hearing people get frustrated when there are no Tannoy announcements as to why they may have come to a stop, or how long they might be stuck in the situation or in fact just any news about what might be going on. Deaf and hard of hearing people don't have a choice, they just have to tolerate this or if confident enough ask someone nearby what is going on. Sitting in a Doctors' waiting room, Hospital A&E waiting for your name to be called is somewhat useless to Deaf and Hard of hearing individuals. A hearing person might be in a shopping mall when an emergency announcement is being made about a potential threat, this kind of announcement goes by without recognition from a Deaf person (unless they are being accompanied). A hearing person is able to hear public announcements in trains stations and airports about changes to schedules, delays and even boarding calls, however these announcements go totally unheard by Deaf and a lot of Hard of Hearing individuals, again unless accompanied. In light of the Manchester Bombings it has become even more apparent to me that there is a definite need for this form of Digital Infrastructure and Communication. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please feel free to get in touch directly or on [email protected]. This is a personal venture!
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