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How to sign conversational terms?

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Hey Isaac!

I am also learning BSL, so if anyone wants to correct this then please do!


English = I don't like tea / BSL = I [shakes head and negative expression while signing "like"] LIKE TEA

Want / Need (same sign, you can tell the difference by lipreading what is said simultaneously)


Need can also be replaced by must sometimes: https://bslsignbank.ucl.ac.uk/dictionary/words/must-1.html



She / He





As you seem to know, BSL tenses work by first placing what you are saying in a timeline, for example very recent past, last week, soon, later on, next year, in a second etc. Mnay of these can be found on the site I have been using so far:


Or this one:


Hope this helps!



I also have a question, and maybe you know the answer to it? 



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  • 1 month later...

Like - flat hand taps chest twice, nod and mouth ‘like’.

Don't like - flat hand swipes up chest once, shake head and mouth ‘don’t like’.

Want/need - flat hand stroke down side of chest whilst mouthing the word.

Or - no sign for this. You can mouth it with palms up between options being discussed. But I’d give the options then sign ‘which’ - fist hand with thumb and little finger out, shake side to side.

He - sign boy then point, mouth word.

She - sign girl then point, mouth word.

Always - left hand flat, right fist hand with thumb up and stroke right hand along left hand mouthing the word.

To sign ‘don’t’ in another context than ‘don’t like’ just sign and mouth ‘don't’, ‘no’, ‘stop’ or ‘not allowed’.

Don’t - two flat hands in karate position and swipe them apart mouthing ‘dont’.

No - number 8 right hand (but with thumb pointing to you and fingers away) move quickly to the right closing the three fingers together as you do it. Mouth ‘no’ and shake head.

Stop - sock puppet hand with open “mouth” and snap it closed mouthing stop. 

Not allowed - both hands in number 7 position and shake up and down together mouthing the words and shaking your head.

For tenses it’s easier to explain and show you but for example - 

asking if they’ve read the book, sign ‘read, been?’ 

to sign I’ve read that, sign ‘read, been’

asking have you eaten? ‘food, been?’

So you’re saying it’s been done.

was - waft hand over shoulder 

been - both hands from fists to flat hands with open fingers in front of you. 

went - right flat hand (palm facing left) move forwards mouthing the word.

If you have a specific tense then please ask.


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