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Alanna Burkholder

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Alanna Burkholder last won the day on April 5 2019

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. HEY! Same! My name is Alanna, I wanna practice! If u want we can skype and practice together 😁
  2. Hey to both of you! i would love to video chat! i need practice.
  3. hey! I'm in the exact same boat. I really need to practice or I'm afraid ill loose it all! We can learn together if you want. Do you have Skype? HAHA idk if that was right.
  4. Hey! my name is Alanna! I need to practice and learn more words! What's up? you wanna practice?
  5. Hey! my name is Alanna! I need to practice and learn more words! What's up? you wanna practice?
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