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ASL Online Practice Buddy?

Izabel Ramirez

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Hey eveyrone! My name is Izabel, I am 18 and have learned ASL in highschool. I took all the way till' ASL 3 and I love it. But, unforunately my college doesn't have ASL classes and I'm afraid of losing all what I've learned, and I hope to be able to a fluent conversation if I ever come in contact with someone deaf or hard of hearing or a signer. It would be great if someone intermediate or advanced could practice with me, however I am open to help beginners. It would still be technically practicing, as long as I get sommething, I'll be happy! I'm not really on facebook anymore, so I'll try my best not to lag if you message me :)

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I would also like to chat sometime! I would consider myself an intermediate (maybe advanced? I don't want to get big headed) signer and have taken four semesters at my school - I also plan on entering an ITP after I finish undergrad. Do you have Glide?

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Hi, I just started ASL 1,  I would love to participate in a ASL video chat room until I feel comfortable with joining a formal group. I have always been fascinated with ASL but never had the opportunity to learn the language. I recently re-entered the workforce on a part-time bases working with stroke victims as a Developmental Specialist with a local heath care agency who in turn suggested that I enroll in the ASL program at our local county community college. I'm having a great time  and I feel that this would be a giant step toward acclimating myself with the Deaf community. Looking forward to simply saying "hello"😊

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