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Attempting to talk about my family a little - quiz if you fancy?

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I just finished the topic on family and relationships but there doesn't appear to be a sign provided for Boyfriend. Can anyone show me - is it just 'boy' and 'friend'? or is there a specific sign like 'husband' and 'wife'? 

I'm still working on signing to the camera and knowing where to position my hands so the signs are clear so apologies for any weird looking signs. 


How many brothers do I have?

What are my brothers names?

What did I tell you about my sister?

How old are my parents?

What do I not have (2 possible answers)? 


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- 2 Brothers

- Matt

- Felix

- Sister has 3 children, 2 girls and 1 boy

- Dad age 78. Mum age 66.

- You have no pets.

You did very well to sign this information, great start. Just a little disjointed in terms of connecting the sentences but that will come with time and confidence. Also just an extra bit of information, you do not need to sign 'what' with every piece of information - it is more used as a question. So for example you can say 'Name, me, Ellie' 'Age, me, 24' etc. Does that make sense?😀

See video below for how I sign boyfriend.


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Thank you so much for replying! Yes! So far I've got lots of vocab but not really sure how to connect things...so end up just saying lots of separate sentences/phrases. Just completed the section on interests this morning, which I really enjoyed...may try and do a video of that! 

P.s. sorry about the positioning - still can't work out where to put my hands in relation to myself on the camera. Keep getting muddled by my reflection and left and right 😂


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Hey Ellie!

Your hand positioning looks okay for a beginner to me, just maybe try and sign with your arms/hands closer to your body. Don't worry about the camera - you will get more confident with that! From that video, I could understand that your boyfriend's name is Steven. Keep it up! If you would like some extra practise, I could do a skype/zoom call with you if you would like? I am level 1 so it would be beneficial for me too😁

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Hey! I'd love to do a skype or zoom session for practice! That would be amazing! When are you free? :D Just finished first attempts at tenses, telling the time, days of the week, months etc....so many signs now. I definitely need to keep practicing so as not to forget. 

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hello! great job I do use BSL and for starter is not bad the only thing I would tell you if talk with your voice off because people like me lip read but also there is a lot of sign meaning 2+ e.g 1 sign can mean 2 different thing so that why your mouth must be clear to lip read but carry on and soon you will be ace at this! also

quick note I don't know any sign for boyfriend and what Phoebe show to me is son/boy 2 time but every town/village have their own sign 

Edited by leighton
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Hi Ellie and Phoebe! 

I've enjoyed watching your videos for practice. I really need to have video chats to keep practicing between the levels so I don't forget everything I learnt. Are you up for some practice? I tried to record a video here but it didn't work!


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